Winter Wonderland

Red holly berries in snow

Holly Berries in Snow (c) Alan Price

Discover a winter wonderland

A balance of rest and celebration

The winter months can be hard for people and wildlife. We want to hibernate, stay inside, seek out warmth and comforting food. But there are also celebrations both religious and secular and all points in between; we come together at Christmas, regardless of background, and rediscover our communities, our neighbours, our friends and our families. We share food and tell stories of the past year, and look forward to the next.

A similar pattern is played out in our gardens and growing spaces. We can help wildlife by ensuring there are places for them to shelter, and by gardening with birds and insects in mind, remembering that they need stores of fruit, berries, seeds and nuts and access to water. We're rewarded, on the cold, crisp days, by the sight of robins rustling under hedges and squirrels darting across parks, flashes of red and brown against the brittle white backdrop of snow or fog.

It's a time to take stock, to plan, to dream and to share.


Take action for wildlife and nature this winter