A Lasting Legacy
HM King Charles made remarkable contributions to the natural world and environmental conservation during his time as Prince of Wales. He first visited a Wildlife Trust nature reserve age 23 and became Patron of The Wildlife Trusts in 1977. Since then he has been a true champion for the natural world for over 50 years.
With Coronation Gardens for Food and Nature we are combining the experience of The Wildlife Trusts, Incredible Edible, Garden Organic and the Women's Institutes, to create a lasting legacy. Our goal is for individuals and communities to pledge to grow fruit and vegetables sustainably, while also helping nature along the way.

Discover why award-winning garden writer, broadcaster and TV presenter, Kate Bradbury, is excited about this initiative and wants to help people to grow food alongside nature. Kate Bradbury has written four wildlife gardening books, regulary appears on radio and has taken part in BBC Radio 4 Gardeners’ Question Time.

The Wildlife Trusts are making the world wilder and helping to ensure that nature is part of everyone’s lives. We are a grassroots movement of 46 charities with more than 911,000 members and 35,000 volunteers. No matter where you are in Britain, there is a Wildlife Trust inspiring people and saving, protecting and standing up for the natural world. With the support of our members, we care for and restore special places for nature on land and run marine conservation projects and collect vital data on the state of our seas.
Every Wildlife Trust works within its local community to inspire people to create a wilder future – from advising thousands of landowners on how to manage their land to benefit wildlife, to connecting hundreds of thousands of school children with nature every year.
“During the past 50 years the King has frequently called for humanity to live in harmony with nature and has promoted sustainable food growing alongside planting for pollinators and pesticide-free gardening. Restoring nature and enhancing the health and wellbeing of communities has never been more important. We hope that people everywhere will enjoy helping wildlife whilst growing spuds and squash – and we’d like to invite groups across the UK to join our wonderful gardening coalition."
Craig Bennett, chief executive of The Wildlife Trusts

Incredible Edible’s mission is to create kind, confident and connected communities, with raised awareness of the ways we can live more sustainably, through the power of food. There are around 150 grassroots, volunteer-led groups in the UK originating from the original group in Todmorden.
Incredible Edible is a movement of ordinary people who do extraordinary things. Incredible Edible has always been a bottom-up movement for grass roots change and through the last decade, the Incredible Edible network has been a loosely federated group of friends committed not by structure and constitution but by hearts and passion to create a different future and a kinder present. There are no rules, just an inclusive welcome that reminds us every day that if you eat, you’re in.
“Growing fresh food to share in our neighbourhoods is the perfect way to reconnect with nature. Incredible Edible’s experience demonstrates we have places close to our homes that can be transformed into edible, nature-friendly spaces that reconnect people to each other, to healthier futures and to our environment."
Pamela Warhurst CBE, chair of Incredible Edible

Garden Organic promotes organic growing and composting, citizen science and research, and seed conservation through our Heritage Seed Library. Our aim is to help people grow 'the organic way', using natural methods to promote healthy, biodiverse, sustainable gardens. Founded in the 1950s as the Henry Doubleday Research Association, Garden Organic has been leading the way in researching and demonstrating best practice organic growing for more than 65 years and bring together a movement of thousands of growers keen to have a positive impact on the green space they nurture.
“Garden Organic is delighted to be a founding partner of the Coronation Gardens project. We firmly believe that if everybody took even the smallest of steps to make their growing space – be that a garden, allotment or pot on a window ledge – a sustainable haven, rich in wildlife and fresh homegrown food, the collective impact on the UK’s precious biodiversity would be significant.”
Fiona Taylor, CEO Garden Organic

The WI is the largest voluntary women’s organisation in the UK with approximately 180,000 members in over 5,500 WIs across England, Wales, and the Islands. The organisation plays a unique role in enabling women to develop new skills, giving them opportunities to campaign on issues that matter to them and their communities. Over the past one hundred years WI members have campaigned on a whole host of environmental concerns, from pollution of the seas from oil thrown overboard from ships (1927) to a resolution calling for action to improve sewers to prevent pollution of watercourses (1958). The WI’s groundbreaking End Plastic Soup campaign, launched in 2017, brought the issue of plastic pollution from synthetic clothing to a mainstream audience for the first time.
“We are really excited to be working on this fantastic new initiative to celebrate HM the King’s longstanding commitment to sustainability and the environment. The WI has over a hundred years of proud history of protecting the natural environment, playing an active role in our communities, and promoting sustainability."
Melissa Green, chief executive, National Federation of Women’s Institutes
Funded by

The National Lottery Heritage Fund has granted £247,834 to kick-start the Coronation Gardens For Food and Nature initiative.