Delicious nature-friendly food
Growing food in harmony with nature means that wildlife has somewhere to live where your crops grow. It means growing flowers for bees, leaving wild patches for ground beetles and house sparrows, and even sharing your raspberries with the blackbirds, as well as ditching insecticides and weedkillers.
Not sure where to start?
Try easy crops like courgettes, strawberries and climbing beans. Start them off in pots of peat-free compost and plant them out when they have at least four leaves and after all risk of frost has passed from June. You may need to protect them from slugs and snails. Water them every couple of days in dry weather, and feed with an organic tomato food. It won’t be long before you’re harvesting your first home-grown crop!
Discover delicious, seasonal recipes made with home grown ingredients in our monthly blog by Lucie, a Hampshire WI supporter, food and cookery baker, maker and writer.

Kate Bradbury in her garden (c) Sarah Cuttle
Discover why Kate Bradbury, garden writer and author, is excited about this initiative and wants to help people to grow food alongside nature.

(c) Garden Organic 2024
Learn how to grow microgreens on any windowsill and you can harvest fresh mini salads at any time of the year.