Page Coronation Gardens Welcome to Coronation Gardens for food and nature! If you’d like to grow your own carrots or strawberries to save money on your weekly food shop and relax in nature among the butterflies and birds in your back yard, we’d love you to get involved.
Blog Welcome to Coronation Gardens! Kate Bradbury, garden writer and author, shares her enthusiasm for the new initiative helping people to grow food alongside nature.
Page Coronation Gardens Photography Competition Terms and conditions of entry to the Coronation Gardens Photography Competition 2024
Page The Coronation Garden Schools' Fund How businesses can help schools get growing with Coronation Gardens
Page Thank you for your donation to The Coronation Gardens Schools' Fund Thank you page for donation to Coronation Gardens Schools' Fund.
Page Thank you for signing up to receive the Coronation Gardens Schools Pack Thank you for signing up to receive the Coronation Gardens Schools Pack
Page Thank you for signing up to receive the Coronation Gardens Schools Pack Thank you for signing up to receive the Coronation Gardens Schools Pack