Marsh gentian

Marsh gentian

Marsh gentian - James Adler

Marsh gentian

Marsh gentian by James Adler

Marsh gentian

Enw gwyddonol: Gentiana pneumonanthe
The bright blue, trumpet-shaped flowers of the marsh gentian contrast deeply with the pinks and purples of the wet heaths it inhabits. The New Forest holds a large population of this late-flowering plant.

Species information


Height: up to 30cm

Statws cadwraethol

Rare and localised.

Pryd i'w gweld

July to October


The marsh gentian is a rare plant of acidic bogs and wet heathlands whose bright blue, trumpet-shaped flowers appear from July to October, contrasting with the pinks and purples of the heath. There are particularly strong populations of this flower in the New Forest, where a white variety has also occurred.

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The upright, unbranched stems of marsh gentian hold aloft the blue, trumpet-shaped flowers that are delicately striped with green. Narrow leaves are carried up the stem in pairs.


Rare, found in just three areas of England.

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Historically, the roots of marsh gentian (also known as 'bog gentian') were used to treat various diseases, as well as bites and stings.

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The Wildlife Trusts are working to restore and protect our heathlands by promoting good management, clearing encroaching scrub and implementing beneficial grazing regimes. This work is vital if these habitats are to survive; you can help by supporting your local Wildlife Trust and becoming a member or volunteer.