Sweet Chilli Jam

Sweet Chilli Jam

Lucie Wilson/The WI

Sweet Chilli Jam

Sweet Chilli Jam

Ingredients - makes 3 large jars

150g long red chilli - mostly deseeded and quartered  

150g red bell pepper - cut into same sized pieces as chillies  

1kg jam sugar 

600ml apple cider vinegar 


To make this delicious sweet chilli jam, place the chillies and red pepper into a food processor and blitz to finely sliced pieces. Place the jam sugar and vinegar into a large preserving pan and heat until the sugar has dissolved.  

Place the chillies and pepper into the preserving pan and bring to a rolling boil. Leave for 10 minutes then turn off the heat and leave for 20 minutes in the preserving pan to settle. You can give it a stir before you put it into jars.  

Using a jam funnel, gently ladle into sterilised jars and seal. Leave to completely set. This is amazing in a cheese toastie or simply with a chunk of cheddar or your favourite cheese. I would advise making it 1 month before you want to use it as it gets better with age. This will last for 1 year being stored in a cool dark place and lasts in the fridge for 1 month after opening.