Caramelised Peach and Raspberry Meringues with Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and Homemade Mango and Passion Fruit Coulis

Caramelised Peach and Raspberry Meringues with Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and Homemade Mango and Passion Fruit Coulis

Lucie Wilson/The WI

Caramelised Peach and Raspberry Meringues with Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and Homemade Mango and

Caramelised Peach and Raspberry Meringues with Homemade Strawberry Ice Cream and Homemade Mango and Passion Fruit Coulis

Ingredients - serves 6

6 meringue nests 

3 peaches 

Icing sugar 

200g raspberries-halved 


200g mango chunks 

200g passion fruit-weighed after scooping out pulp  

1 lime-juiced 

30g icing sugar 

Mint leaves-to serve 

Strawberry Ice Cream 

250g strawberries 

120g caster sugar 

1 /2 lemon-juiced 

150ml double cream 


To make the ice cream, puree the strawberries and whisk the cream to soft peaks. Fold the caster sugar, lemon juice and strawberry puree through the cream until incorporated, then place in a tub in the freezer. Every hour mix the ice cream until frozen but still soft scoop. This usually takes 6 hours. We usually use our ice cream maker but this method seems to freeze it quicker and keeps it soft scoop. 

To make the coulis, dice the mango to smaller chunks and place in a saucepan with the passion fruit, lime juice and icing sugar. Bring to a low simmer for 10-12 minutes over a low to medium heat making sure it isn’t bubbling, stirring fairly frequently to help thicken the sauce. Once it has thickened, remove from the heat and allow to cool. Place into a blender and blitz until smooth. Leave to cool completely then place in a jar in the fridge.  

De-stone and quarter the peaches, then sprinkle 2 tbsp of caster sugar in a frying pan and leave to become caramel and reach light brown in colour. Add the peach quarters and cook until the peaches have slightly turned golden, a little tender and caramelised.   

Now we can start assembling. Place a meringue on each plate with a little cream on the bottom to help keep it in place. Top with a scoop of strawberry ice cream, 2 quarters of caramelised peaches, halved raspberries and a drizzle of coulis. Top with a mint leaf and serve immediately for a yummy summer dessert.