Pledge Map Follow Up Survey

Thank you for pledging to grow food in a wildlife-friendly way!

Now we'd love to hear how you're getting on with our very short survey.

Participant information

The Royal Society of Wildlife Trusts is the Data Controller. We are committed to respecting and protecting your personal data in accordance with data protection legislation and our privacy policy (

Your data will be stored securely on our network for up to five years. Data that has not been fully anonymised will never be shared with other organisations.

If you choose to give your contact details for future surveys, or so that your local Wildlife Trust can get in touch, your details will be used for these purposes only and will not be shared with other organisations.

A fully anonymised data set (free from any information that could identify you) will be shared with the researchers we are working with. The fully anonymised data will be kept indefinitely and may be published.

If you have any questions relating to this survey, or your data, please contact Autumn Barlow (


 I have read the participant information. I'd like to complete the survey!