Creamy Roasted Red Pepper and Parmesan Linguine

A blue plate of linguine

Copyright Lucie Wilson/The WI

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper and Parmesan Linguine

Creamy Roasted Red Pepper and Parmesan Linguine

Ingredients - makes 4

400g linguine 

450g roasted red peppers 

250ml double cream 

100g parmesan-save 2 tbsp for finishing 

200g shallots  

1 tbsp butter 

2 tbsp fresh parsley 

Chilli dust-I will explain this in the recipe 

Salt and pepper 


First of all freeze some chillies. As many as you have, just place them in a freezer bag and leave them overnight to freeze. The next day pop the linguine in salted boiling water and cook until al dente. Next squeeze the brine off of the roasted red peppers and slice. Don't rinse the peppers. Meanwhile, melt the butter in a saucepan over medium heat and fry the shallots until they soften, then place in a blender with the roasted red peppers. Blend to a smooth consistency.  

Pour back into the saucepan and keep on a simmer. Pour in the double cream and stir until completely blended, then stir in parmesan, parsley and grate over some chilli dust and grind some salt and pepper to taste. Add the linguine straight from the saucepan and toss through the sauce until completely coated. Serve with extra parsley, then enjoy.